Facebook is an incredible tool for connecting to our fellow humans. As a platform, it provides an awesome way to connect to fellow groups and communities. The last time I checked, something on the order of 52% of web sharing is occurring within Facebook.
That’s a staggering statistic.
It’s masking several problems, though, two of which I’d like to elaborate on.
First, the 52% statistic means there is 48% of web traffic Facebook users who rely on this medium alone are not seeing. Personally, I believe this risks building an echo chamber of sorts. Breaking out of the Facebook bubble we’ve built may expose us to alternative sources of information. And I don’t believe that is a bad thing.
Second, Facebook does not, in my humble opinion, lend itself to in depth conversations. This is not to suggest blogs do so, necessarily. However, a blog is a more static platform. I personally find it easier to track conversations in vs. the non linear nature of the way our Facebook feeds us informations.
What are your thoughts?
Please also feel free to share any blogs you frequently read. Personally, I am a Seth Godin fan, as well as find Scott Adams a good read (side note: his content often challenges conventional wisdom).